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Old player back
Hi, my playernick is dDog, and i'm back now.. the problem is, that my previous account have been deleted?

So had damn a lot pluspoints, money etc.
Pretty good stats also, and if i can remember right, online hours over 200+

Don't actually know is there anything to do with this, but at least i would wanna some of those pluspoints. Perfect would be, if that account would still exist somehow.

Any ideas?
Do you know the email you registered the name with?
dropa@dropa.net or whatever what ends @dropa.net, i have multiple mails with this domain, so can't be sure what it have been, but if there's some sort searchsystem, it anyway ends @dropa.net, and there just can't be other players using this domain :)
[00:54:54] <&Sander> !players dDog
[00:54:55] <+Nowani> dDog has been online for 5 hours and 25 minutes. The player has killed  people so far, and has died 8 times him/herself, which makes a ratio of 0. dDog is a player on Las Venturas Playground, and last was online at 07-11-2009 00:15.
[00:54:58] <&Sander> !players deletedog
[00:54:59] <&Nuwani> deletedog is a player on Las Venturas Playground.

Kinda strange that both accounts are registered yesterday tho...
No other accounts found at that domain.
Although the name sounds familiar, nothing I can find atm.
Yap, i registered new, when i found that old doesn't exist anymore. First time i registered, i lost that confirmation mail, so named it again to 'deletedog' (as you can see from name, it's ready to get deleted). registered second perfectly, and started to play with it.

Some admin remind dDog's mansion from game.. i can't be sure, how long ago i played, it's something year or two.. when i've played, tBKwtWS was named to moderator, there was admins like Katie and McDonald. that's about all i can get in my mind.
Solved. :+ (MrBondt is WIN!)