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[S]Random Race
The current LVP gamemode has lot's of races, but they're all quite similar; drive from A to B while going through checkpoints. A few months ago, me and Matthias had an idea to drive from A to B, but without checkpoints, so you could take any route you wanted.

For Example, we both started on the Desert Airstrip on a Faggio, and we had to go to grove street, whoever got there first won. After that we went from Grove street to the Big ear in another vehicle, and so on..

To make it even more exciting, you can hide player blips so you don't know where the others are.

So basically, using a command such as /rrace (Random Race) would put all players in a random vehicle, on a random location, and then put the finish somewhere on the other side of the map. This makes the race enjoyable everytime you do it because you'll probably never race the same 'track' in the same vehicle.
I like it.
/race create
/race create isn't random, and creating 50 different races wouldn't work either :')
They're called gumball rallies, and they're epic. Used to do them over at the first Coldthugz server! :D

I've tested a /race create with 4 cars around LV and mount chiliad as the end point, and it wasn't actually half bad. I'm all for implementing this. o/
I played that one, who wants to touch me? :w

I love them too :D Especially the one tomozj describes. I'll add some races soon, most new ones are awesome \o/
Why random cars though? I mean, if I have an NRG and you have a faggio, you'll most likely lose.
everyone'll obviously drive the same vehicle :+ but the vehicle that everyone will be driving is randomly chosen :+
I like the idea, and some new things are always good.

I would like a race like this. Well, random races.  O+
sounds cool  :)