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[DENIED]Ban, anyone??
Nickname: ULT1M4T3
Date of the ban: 20 October 2009(?)
Suspected Reason: ?
Your IP address:

I could play yesterday, but today it says that I'm banned. I wasn't banned when playing, so I don't know the reason.
You don't seem to be banned, could you try reconnecting?
I tried, still says I'm banned

Edit: Anyone..??
You have never connect to the server with that ip address.
Do you have a dynamic or static ip?

Please check if the ip address you posted is correct.
I've got a static IP, and I played on LVP yesterday. This is the IP that http://whatismyip.com/ shows
Are you sure your ip is not
Well it says its And 253 is banned?
Try to join now.
Still banned :/
Well the logs say that you have connected with but you say http://whatismyip.com shows another ip.
Did you use a proxy server to connect to http://whatismyip.com ?