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Lost Account
Hey, I'm an old player from back in 2007 and being that the last time I played I had the name "SN!PER" I think that the system may have deleted my account. I had roughly 100 hours and a full bank, but also at least 400 kills, but I'm not too sure on how many deaths, most likely I had more deaths than kills and at least a hundred reaction test wins. My current account is iDropShot_954, so if you could possibly edit the stats, I'd be very grateful.
    I'd also like to give you a few of my e-mails to see if my account still exists:
- xpimpedoutflavax@aim.com or xpimpedoutflavax@netscape.net
- xgangstapimpx56@aim.com or xgangstapimpx56@netscape.net
- nicthegamer2002@hotmail.com
If you can't find anything with the e-mails, here are the stats in a more cleaner format:

Playtime: 100+ Hours.
Kills: 400 (at most)
Deaths: Unsure.
Reaction Test: 100+
Current Username (User ID): iDropShot_954

Also, not sure if this will help, but here's an old screen shot of me playing SA-MP in 06 or 07. Not really too sure on the date...

    Thanks for your time,
    - iDropShot_954 (SN!PER)
I'm unsure if we required the e-mail address back in the old days, I'm affraid we didn't, and therefor I can't find any account with the provided e-mail addresses.
Neither can I find an old player called SN!PER, although I remember the name :D And neither did I find a nickchange with this account.

I don't think it's deleted however, but "lost in space" :+

So your "new" stats:
iDropShot_954 has been online for 100 hours. The player has killed 400 people so far, and has died 400 times him/herself, which makes a ratio of 1. He/She has scored 100 points in the reaction test so far. iDropShot_954 is a player on Las Venturas Playground, and last was online at 11-10-2009 05:59.

Including 10 pluspoints and a nice amount of money at your bank :)