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[DENIED]Me, banned.
Nickname: Lieod2
Date of the ban: 11 October 2009 about 16:50
Suspected Reason: Mods, im sorry it was my older brother i saw him on my laptop and i asked him to give it back he did i started to play GTA: SA and found a LOAD of Mods on it like ones that crashed my GTA! I said to him what did you download mods for he said "because i FELT like it" then he walked upstars, i tryed to uninstal the MODS and found a folder called celo and found MODS in it i deleted it and then i went on my fav server LAS VENT PLAYGROUND  :P but it said i was BANNED!!!  :? then i knew why he downloaded them, (he was banned too due to mods on HIS pc) he probably did it out of spite, so i ask you as a player to UNBAN me so i can keep playing!  :w
Your IP address:
Your PC, your responsibility.
:? BUT he is my OLDER brother he stole it ok? not my problem I was out with my GF for like half an hour ok? i cant control my bro!
(10-11-2009, 05:43 PM)lieod link Wrote: :? BUT he is my OLDER brother he stole it ok? not my problem I was out with my GF for like half an hour ok? i cant control my bro!
(10-11-2009, 05:13 PM)Ryder link Wrote: Your PC, your responsibility.

Have fun on other servers. Don't make another appeal.