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[S] More mods / admins
Have been searching around the forum if this has even been discussed, I can't find a topic like that so that's why I'm opening one.

It happens very often that /mods and /admins don't come up with any player names, and that makes me sad :'(. I love LVP very much, but without any mods or admins online it's one big mess on the server;

- People spamming
- Non-english bullshit
- Swearing and stuff like that
- Cheaters / hackers all over the place

So I'm encouraging the management here to harvest more admins and / or mods, to keep the server nice and clean and nice to play for everyone without the annoyance of noobs that fool around and just decrease the quality of playtime on LVP.

Thanks :w

Nice searching!
(10-04-2009, 03:53 PM)Richard link Wrote: http://forum.sa-mp.nl/index.php?topic=21731.0

Nice searching!

21731.0: searching for "more mods" or "more admins" doesn't get me that topic :P
21727.0: that's another deal (not just more mods / admins)

But OK, that topics do illustrate the same issue a bit.

I think this shows the urgency of this issue. No mods / admins on-line means a non-fun server, any admins / mods on-line means a great server.
Problem still applies though, no good people for the times.

And you could just open CSI and look through the first 2 pages, takes less than a minute. ;)
(10-04-2009, 04:14 PM)Richard link Wrote: And you could just open CSI and look through the first 2 pages, takes less than a minute. ;)

Lol I saw that, sorry :)

But, you guys are aware of the problem and willing to fix it ?
Very much so, we just don't see the people suitable.
(10-04-2009, 04:50 PM)Richard link Wrote: Very much so, we just don't see the people suitable.


[me=thePiet]is praying for more suitable dudes[/me]

Thanks :w