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reinstalling os
Say if i install/reinstall OS a lot, meaning I do the same for drivers on every new installation, can it damage my hardware/computer or do any harm to it?
Or what is OS installation equivalent for to the pc, I mean does it have any effect on it at all.

It may sound stupid but its something am interested to know about.

Probably won't do any damage to it if you don't install and reinstall alot of times right after eachover.

(09-20-2009, 06:15 PM)Strika link Wrote: what is OS installation equivalent for to the pc, I mean does it have any effect on it at all.

Not sure if you mean why does a PC need an OS, but if you do;
The Operating System (OS) is basically just the control interface between the user and the hardware, having a computer without an OS would be like trying to control the computer without a monitor (which is obviously equally important).
No I dont mean why computer needs it... bah nvm I dont make sense xD thx for the reply.
Reinstalling  OS/drivers can't do harm to your hardware, unless your not using special tools that can change how the hardware is running.