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Disable Guns when on Ship
Well, I think it would be a good idea if when ever you went on the ship, your guns get disabled once you jump the guard rail fence. I think this would be good beucase,

  • Limit the amount of killing of the ship
  • There will be no random shooting on the ship
  • Whenever someone is on the ship, and they are getting shot at by someone who is not on the ship, they would learn that the person shooting at the ship will get jailed besides them pulling out a gun and shooting back thus making them both go to prison.

I think the time should be suspended more. I mean, I see people get sent to jail for 2 mins, then right when they get out, They kill again! I think Ship killing time should double to 4 minutes.

Those are just a few Ideas that U brainstormed when I was killed on the ship from someone who wasen't on it.

Thank for your time!

I agree with most of this plan. However, instead of 4 minutes the jailtime should increase with one minute for every shipoffence.
1st jail: 2 minutes
2nd jail: 3 minutes
Weapons are @ next server update disabled on the ship. You get spawnweapons back when you leave the ship.