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[3.0] Tutorial
New players should get a tutorial before they can play. I saw this on an MTA server called "Valhalla gaming", and it worked out really nice. First of all, the chatbox is completely empty. Everything that's spammed in the chatbox normally is blocked. The camera switched to a few locations on a timed interval, with a tutorial text in the chatbox.

We could, for instance, use it like this:
  • Camera focusses on the "Welcome to the fabulous Las Venturas" sign.
    Text says: "Welcome to Las Venturas Playground (LVP)! LVP is a playground where you can do all kinds of stuff; DM, RPG and minigames!"
  • Camera focusses on Jail Island.
    Text says: "There are a few rules you have to follow if you want to play on this server. [insert rules]. Disregarding  these rules will get you jailed, or even worse: kicked or banned."
  • Camera focusses on Planning Department. Text says: "This is the planning department. If you're short on cash, you can get a loan here. You can also open special bank accounts that give you more banking features."
  • Camera focusses on the ship.
    Text says: "This is the pirate ship, a place to be idle for a few minutes. There's no fighting allowed on the ship. If you do fight you will be jailed automatically. If you're standing on the ship you get $50 every few seconds"
  • Camera focusses on the landing strip of the airport, the place where cruises usually start.
    Text says: "Every now and then a cruise will take place. Cruising means driving around with a group of people. One player is the cruiseleader, don't take him over. Try to drive in a decent way; don't crash your vehicle into other vehicles. There's no shooting or fighting at a cruise!"
  • Camera focusses to the "Welcome to LV" sign again, and text says: "Have fun playing on Las Venturas Playground!"

In contrary to the Valhalla server, the tutorial could be volunteerly. Valhalla even uses a quiz after the tutorial which you have to pass in order to play on that server. That will probably scare away some players, so let's not do that. The tutorial will have to be translated into other languages, also mentioning that English is the only allowed language in the main chat. A command like /continue or /play can be used to skip the tutorial. A textdraw should always mention the "escape" possibility.