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[HELP]Disabling commands when in dm and race
yo all,

well, i have a problem on my scripting for a week.
I made "disabling commands" scripting on my GM(new indm[MAX_PLAYERS]; bla bla ...), its done for DMs, but i have a race fs.
I want to disable commands when the player in race too, but it wants an include(i think).
How can i use "new indm[MAX_PLAYERS]" on my both of mods?
(GM + FS) any diea?
Erm, I suggest you put the FS into your GM
tried it, but there were a lot of errors. also tried it on inc as:

new indm[MAX_PLAYERS];
#pragma unused indm

couldnt use it on race fs, but on gamemode(dm) could :S
Shouldn't be too hard to put it in though
(09-03-2009, 06:47 PM)Matthias link Wrote: Shouldn't be too hard to put it in though

it gives lost of one like that "array sizes bla bla(forgot xD)" when i try to put it
then i tried to increase variables, complie said ok, but commands didnt work in-game aswell :S
Pm me both scripts (GM & FS), if I have time I'll do it for you.
(09-04-2009, 06:18 AM)Matthias link Wrote: Pm me both scripts (GM & FS), if I have time I'll do it for you.

k pmin' now