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LAN connection not working on XP
I decided to give Windows 7 a try this afternoon. It's installed next to XP at the moment. Works fine, but when I switched back to XP my LAN connection suddenly stopped working.

I keep getting the message "Network cable unplugged." I checked the cables, tried other cables and changed the ports on my router. I rebooted, forgot I would automatically boot into Windows 7, and found out the LAN connection is working fine there.

Checked the drivers, nothing wrong. Tried to install new one, but I already have the latest. Disabled en enabled the LAN connection, nothing works. I even tried to revert to a recovery point (system restore) from a few days ago, still nothing.

This doesn't make any sense. It's working fine in 7, but not in XP ever since I installed Windows 7. I do have a wireless USB-card which works fine in both Windows XP and 7, but I don't really want to use that all the time.

Any clues?
It's windows telling you to keep using Windows 7 O+

on a more serious note, on Vista and W7 there's this function somewhere in your network options to look for any problems, I don't know where it is and I don't know if it's in XP either, but you might wanna give that a try :+
(09-01-2009, 09:40 PM)Twilight link Wrote: on a more serious note, on Vista and W7 there's this function somewhere in your network options to look for any problems, I don't know where it is and I don't know if it's in XP either, but you might wanna give that a try :+

As far as I know, the only option in XP is to repair the broken connection. Unfortunately that's not possible if a network cable is unplugged :P
yeah, that's what I meant.. :(

anyways, system recovery? :+
Quote:I even tried to revert to a recovery point (system restore) from a few days ago, still nothing.


I'll delete the driver, reboot, and pray to god the drivers are automatically recognized. Just moved into another house, the cd with drivers could be anywhere :P
... and suddenly it's working again. Really odd. Thanks for the help Twilight :>
xp is really outdated and probably your drivers are too new for it, next time just find older drivers if it happens again but i really doubt thats the problem :/ weird stuff.
Dude, that totally doesn't make sense. But thanks anyway :P