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[UNBANNED]why arnt i un banned yet?
Nickname: fisher[RAGE]7x
Date of the ban: 16th august
Suspected Reason: repeating quote from gta sa game "ryder nigga" u guys obviously havent played the first mission
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Because your unban is tomorrow.
Not to mention you telling you would forget and said goodbye to LVP.
Don't try and get smart. I've played single player and I know that line. In fact, I know many other lines that contain profanity; but just because I've heard those lines in single player, does not mean I'm going to say them in-game on an online game.
(08-24-2009, 06:42 PM)Richard link Wrote: Because your unban is tomorrow.
Not to mention you telling you would forget and said goodbye to LVP.

i am a silly guy arnt i.the reason i sed that cause i thought i had enough money for MW2