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Banned: Weapon cheating
Nickname: [FaP]Podonga
Date of the ban: 19 August 2009, around 08 PM in Argentina
Suspected Reason: Weapon Cheating - Minigun Cheat
IP address:

I was around internet and i found a great hack called "Vogelz Mod Reborn", i was so exited with this hack that I put the first server that i saw and when you open SA-MP the first servers that appears are the servers that are in favorites, and i have this server in favorites. So i was trying the hacks and i put the minigun and y get banned. A friend mine told me that i was banned for life, i felt very sad ;(. I am so sorry of that, i realized that LVP does not deserve to be hacked by a player, it is the best server of the whole SA-MP and is the only one that i can play, please i will not going to do it again, i will make everything to play again. I apologize very much  :'(  :'(  :'(
Sorry if you don't understand me, i am from Argentina and i don't have a very good english.
I understand you perfectly, but cheating = permanent ban.
Goes for you too.