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MTA nightly map editor problem

I installed the MTA nightly, put the resources in the right place and installed the data files. It boots up nicely, but when I start the map editor it just stops downloading resources at some point*

I've cleared the resourcecache and the mods\deathmatch\resources folders, but that doesn't do anything.

I've disabled the windows firewall and AVG, still nothing.

Anybody got this to work?

not my screenshot, but from some guy with the same problem. too bad his solution didn't work for me
Your probably best contacting the MTA Team in #mta - they are normally really helpful with things like this.

There may also be a solution in the development wiki somewhere.

It might not be the map editor in particular that the problem is occurring with, but possibly something else in MTA? Try clicking the Host Game button and see if connects to that alright, or try connecting to other servers.
yay i have same problem with mta dm
me too
I've made a new post on the MTA forums explaining every step I take. I hope that helps me, and you guys too.

Thread can be found here: http://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopi...89&t=25012

If anyone finds the answer, I'll give you a cookie :P
omg! found out the answer a few seconds later:

Quote:wtfbbq. One second after I post this I find the answer:

I created a shortcut to Multi Theft Auto.exe, set compatibility mode to "Windows XP". Now it boots up nicely!

I cannot imagine I spend a week trying to figure this out. I hope this helps for others too :)
Cool, now go make some sexy maps :)