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Extra Name Characters.
So I was randomly looking through the sa-mp masters list, when I came across "crazy bobs cops & robbers" and I was looking through the player list and seen people with characters in there name like "()" "." "=" "{}" etc etc, and most of the characters that were implented in 0.1b.
Is there any such thing as a plugin or filterscript to enable more characters for use in names. I don't really know how it could benefit the server, but it'd be cool too have something extra to put in your name or changing a clantag, i know many old clantags were different like (UvH) for example.
Wow.. It should be impossible to have those characters in your name..

I don't think there's any plugin for that though.
[Image: crazybobs.jpg]
As far as I know Crazybobs Cops and Robbers have an unreleased version of a 0.2x server which supports all characters, because the server owner is a member of the SA:MP team.

It is indeed possible with a plugin, but for now we're working on fixing bugs. Maybe sometime in the future.
Ok cool  8)