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SA-MP team stops developing SA-MP?
For those who didn't know yet, look at www.sa-mp.com ... :[
I wonder what happens next.
I don't hope it's true, but maybe a signal to lame ass "hackers" what they can cause by this shit.
Maybe that is what they want, SA-MP down :X
Sucks though..

Sign the petition! ( for what its worth ;( )

Damn this sucks  -O-
Now, i'm gonna tell the same shit like I told on IRC few minutes back.

I don't believe SHIT of it, that SA:MP Developpers would definitly stop creating it cuz of some dumb bunch of hackerz that think they are cool. Thats just insane bullshit. I aint a scripter, or anything myself. I don't know shit about that, but damn yeh I'm Every single day on SA:MP. Playing with m8s and gangs, having fun or whatever. I mean, C'mon, last days, SA:MP was full of players, don't remember how much players were online. SA:MP Owns MTA, cuz IMO, MTA just Stinks. SA:MP Ftw.

It would suck very bad if SA:MP would stop. This is just my meaning, and I hope that they don't quit. SA:MP Owns all.

Friendly Greetz.
Yer, i signed the petition, its a select few people who want to ruin it, they don't deserve to be called people. It can't stem from jealosy because we can play sa-mp, its a free game. It must jsut come from the kick of beign a complete little twat. Excuse the language.
Meh, they all look pretty serious about stopping, however, I heard/read something that some devs want to continue SA-MP, anyway, here are some usefull links:

http://samp.flomp.net/0.2.1-list.html < SERVERLIST
http://samp.samp-host.net/ < A FORUM
http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/s...i?q3ddwe59 < SA-MP Restart Petition

Hope the mod will continue, it owns, MTA sucks, SA-MP had good scripting possibilities, and was synced pretty well, so I really hope they won't stop developing it.

SA-MP is back online! Including IRC, forums, serverlists
SA-MP is back.