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Performance updates
Hello all,

It's time for the update you get from the development team every two weeks again. In the last two weeks we have focussed on fixing the lag many players notice ingame. There have been some cleanups and other changes that should improve the performance of the gamemode. There have also been some changes to the database which should help. This should improve the overall experience ingame, which should be lag-less. We're planning to improve performance further in the coming period.

Again, due to the holidays there have not been many new features lately. We will try to make this up to you in a few weeks. The changelog of this weeks update can be found on our wiki, here, or ingame using /changelog.

As most of you have already noticed, Jay has officially rejoined the development team. Welcome back Jay :)

On behalf of the Las Venturas Playground Development Team,
Wesley Lancel
[07:20:24] <&Matthias> Joe?
[07:20:26] <&Matthias> is it just me
[07:20:31] <&Matthias> or did the devs forget to post the blog post
[07:20:34] <&Matthias> the 2 week thingy
[07:20:35] <&Matthias> 0.o
[07:20:42] <~Joe> I think they did
[07:20:44] <~Joe> post it for them
[07:20:58] <&Matthias> Wesley has written it
[07:21:07] <&Matthias> and posted it in the dev section
[07:21:09] <&Matthias> he probably forgot

You guys forgot?
Then I'll post it I guess 0.o