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Best Screencam For Recording
fraps is the best one
yeah Fraps is good, You can use it in any window.
But beware, that you need a powerfull PC ,
ELSE WHILE RECORDING YOUR GAME WILL LAG LIKE HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!  8)7 8)7 no seriously.... try it if you dont believe me..
orly... btw, fraps lags on an uber 1337 highend PC the same as on an old one, since its your harddrive that is limiting FRAPS' performance... so unless you have a bigass SSD, fraps will lag on every pc
Aah just use a odinary camera and tape it.  :w
I like the Xfire video recording thing. It doesn't lag me as much as Fraps
The quality of the xfire recorder sucks though.
And that's why xfire doesn't lag :+
The quality is much improved since they first released the recording functionality tho.

FRAPS ftw, but xfire is free, so that is also some kind of ftw :P