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hI LVP crew ,

What you thinkin about adding a command for saving the weapon cart !!

It will be helpful to buy weapons quickly , on every login.
also after your crash and weapon lost / bug.  :X

There should be a command for save re spawning weapons and amount of ammo that you usually buy on each login.

Jus like "/my char save" or somethin like that . 

Then On every log in you can be able to buy weapons pack as you saved before from ammunition or at anywhere :9~ .
It will be better than buying each weapons and ammo..    [b][also can make a restriction to use this command for Platinum members only] O-)  :P
People get lazier by the day... if the bug with crashing is fixed, you don't have to buy it that often, so I see no need for this.
(07-18-2009, 12:10 PM)Richard link Wrote: People get lazier by the day... if the bug with crashing is fixed, you don't have to buy it that often, so I no need for this.

k richu  O+  :X