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06.08.07 TOMOZJ's birthday! Never seen photos!
Always nice to see old pics :D
nice pics.
(07-11-2009, 12:02 AM)Mike link Wrote: Agreed!

Yeah that would be nice! :o ive only been there for a very short time in SA-singleplayer.... ;( But i guess the next post will be from an admin which says its lvp-samp and that the lv stands for lasventuras :roll:
Sorry for bumping this, but awesome pics! Pretty cool day, and hasn't anyone else been up there recently? :O

Oh and I'm gonna get SA again, got plenty of HD space and love the look of 0.3. O+
at least i remember the area was very big. and xD
The party ends when Wolf started to hit us and then we fall down of the area.(bugged area) and all in the ocean xD.
i agree to bring that map back.
Holy shit, it's tomozj.  :X
yo, i guess it is back!, go to the lv airport i icon and travel there, also see some pics at the funny pics topic with pornoproducer  :w