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Call of Duty Scores Topic.
Quote:"Last night, I got your girl into last stand. I used deep impact to double tap her Bouncing Bettys. She sucked me like I had iron lungs, I am glad I had juggernaut. We went all night using Extreme Conditioning. Her sleight of hand got me to Sonic Boom all over her face. luckily for her I used steady aim so none of it went on her hair. We went round for round because I was packing Bandolier. And you didn't hear us because we were both using Dead Silence."
Captain.Obvious, Kase & me doing some free for all (first 2 rounds were sniper only, third was knife only):

[Image: VdlFL.png]

[Image: cVcv8.png]

[Image: afEiG.png]
I fancy a play with you guys sometime!
Stop by on IRC then!
Gawd I suck'd :<
I'd like to join sometime with you guys aswell, altho I don't use the same IRC server LVP uses, you could invite me via xfire: alvar18
Been playing alot recently...

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[Image: iw4mp2010-03-0618-17-05-09.jpg]
[Image: iw4mp2010-03-2319-15-19-39.jpg]
[Image: iw4mp2010-04-2419-22-54-15.jpg]
[Image: iw4mp2010-05-1118-39-55-31.jpg]
[Image: shot0135.jpg]
[Image: shot0136.jpg]

Thanks for the game guys!
If my PC finally gets all working n shit, imma bean y'all