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Topic locked to prevent your idiotic commentary. Be patient and wait.

Please note that your ban will be extended if you decide to make another appeal.
Ban extended for nicklaming on the names of TEF, Jerome, slein and estroe.

Unban on 7 July.
unben men?
(07-04-2009, 02:48 AM)whyyobanme link Wrote: unben men?

You evaded once again under the name of "TheTotalEpicFail." Are you trying to impersonate me again?
Thank you for spamming the forums with useless new appeals. Your new unban date is July 14.
I'll unban you as soon as you post your IP address. :)
Ban extended with 5 days for being very insulting towards me and spamming my channel on IRC.
5 days over men unben me!!!!!!!!!
Are you going to behave? Are you going to stop spamming me?
k men i behave men. but when i spermed you men? i never spermed you men. i behave men. plz unben naow