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Can we choose on those 3 chat were we can have quick conversations/responses  msn, yahoo or make a channel on mIRC to chat ? because on the sub forum we respond very slow, so like we can decide a date when all of us can meet on the sub forum, on what we choose to use msn,yahoo or mIRC and talk about the problems, wars, trials, server, training etc. I think  if we do that we can respond quick, not like here you open a topic and the responses are coming after hours. Please respond if you like the idea. Thnx
Ah you mean like a weekly meeting? get a date,time. I can be on MSN,skype,Teamspeak,ventrilo
MSN suxx  :D

try yahoo messenger :+
(05-22-2009, 08:12 AM)bAd CaT link Wrote: Yahhooo suxx, MSN rocks!!  :D


(05-22-2009, 12:55 AM)LIL_D link Wrote: Ah you mean like a weekly meeting? get a date,time. I can be on MSN,skype,Teamspeak,ventrilo
yes but i will make a poll and evry one will need to vote on what we should use for ( i think mIRC will be the best one), crap i can`t do a pollX(
jumpthedookie@hotmail.com is my msn, but i dont go on there very often. add it to your contacts and hopefully i can speak to you in flow :7
<<<<  tr_respect_tr 8) hotmail.com  >>>>

(05-22-2009, 11:40 AM)LasTRace link Wrote: 8)7
wrong LR :) yahoo is the best with gmail.

i don`t have a msn account. thats why we should use mirc because is much easier to use, but i don`t know how to make a channel
ok ima make a poll, im gonna search for the most used chatter programs and we can vote