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Small Suggestion
Hello all. As you may know , i play lvp a lot, and its been i think a month or so that lvp got really laggy. I came to a conclusion why this is. LVP just has to many things. I have no idea how long its gonna last (in the future) until it crashes at least once or twice a day. So for this saying , get rid of "atm" machines , much less cars , and at least get rid of 50 properties , not saying u should get rid of that much , but people now look for props that pay 200k+ , and i understand noobs buy 10k p/m props. This doesnt have to be an option , but lvp should try it one saturday or sunday and let the players decide if it is less lag or same. I really enjoy playing here , though i browsed through many servers and couldnt find anything compared to lvp :P. Thank You
The one complains about too less cars, the others think there is too much. :+
As for properties, there wasn't much of an increase in them since the start of 2.9(if it even increases much since 2.8x).

As ATM machines making lag, dunno, devs?
When people bitched about my "amazing lag" , it started when they atm's where created , think about it , atm's got 3 options on them , and they everywere. And for the less cars, they talkin bout outside of LV