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[Unbanned] I got banned
Nickname: Fresh_Prince
Date of the ban: July 09, 2007 Saturday 8pm
Suspected Reason: Money cheat
Your IP address:
Admin that banned you: Aint sure

I logged In my UN and went to the bank(I had around 25k)..I withdrew around like 20k and then I get banned for money cheat...
So plz unban..I didnt use a money cheat
Hi. I banned you.

Here are the messages I recieved:

[01:50:47] *Nuwani:%#LVP.Echo* *** Large money increase: Fresh_Prince (ID:17) from $5900 to $15900 (+$10000) #1
*Nuwuni:%#LVP.Echo* *** Large money increase: Fresh_Prince (ID:17) from $25000 to $40000 (+$15000) #2

What's sucpicious is the fact they all end in zeros. We have a special command for bank, givecash etc., so they aren't sent to the anticheat. Can you explain this?

We just want the absoloute truth. :>
Ok...I signed in my login and I had few money...so I went 2 the bank and I withdrew some more and next thing I know Im banned from the server...Thats the truth I promise you
I'm sorry, but the anti-cheat messages don't seem to match up.

Are you 100% sure? I'd rather a cheater than a liar also.
Yes man im 100% sure..Im a fair player man and Im known by alot people and you can ask them if I cheat...Ask [SiN],[S],[T],[R], and [SaW]'s they all know me
Ok then.

After a discussion with another admin, I've decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, and unban you.

It seems as if your bank story of $10k comes between the first and second messages, and you could've been at the ship for the other two.

Also, it seems you have a good reputation (something cheaters lack ^^).

Enjoy playing on LVP!

[02:37:00] <Nuwani> * The IP address (Fresh_Prince) has been unbanned.