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[Deni3d.] Mistaken...
Nickname: [CiN]Morpheus
Date of the ban: 16/may/2009
Suspected Reason: health and mega jump..
Admin that banned me: Joe

Let me clear this out. As you seen me do a jump over the fence. I jumped near the fence and then pressed F8. Which takes a photo which freezes my screen for a few secounds. With the duel with Revenge because he had easy shots on my I hit F8 a few times shot the floor which enables me to lag because my graphics card cant cope with the dust/dirt
Alright. The "lag" is an acceptable answer for the megajump. Explain the health. ;)
Same method with the F8. Try it F8 freezes your screen for about 1 - 4 seconds. Exploading was 1 - 3 sec. Try it with somone you will see how it works. You can do it standing still. Its like being paused for a few seconds.
okay. Well, still you admitted to two instances of bug abuse, so, post back in 5 days. Be happy, it's better than a permanent ban.
Thanks alot
You know what...I've been thinking about this and discussing it with other crew, and there's no way this matched your description. I even tried to reproduce what you described and I couldn't make it happen, so, this has hereby been changed to a permanent ban.
No you didnt because it works..
That's the extent of your explanation? Mmkay locked, banned.