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Improving our website.
Let's make this an official suggestions topic of improving http://www.lvpradio.com.
What would you like to see being added? / What would you like to see being changed? / What would you like to see being removed? / *

Here are few suggestions by myself to start the topic:

-Adding now playing song to our website's header.
On top of our menu or somewhere else, we could add a now playing song. For example:
Now playing: Artist - Title | Previous: Artist - Title

-Adding current stream title somewhere nearby the now playing line.
This will give visitors a quick information what show is currently on without going to SHOUTcast page or browsing the schedule.

-Adding PJIRC or Mibbit or whatever applet to IRC page.
That will quickly connect the visitors to #LVP.radio without getting a client or using LVP Java Chat. I'd recommend PJIRC, that's the applet LVP Java Client uses.

-Adding a flash player to Listen Live page and also giving details how to connect with other music players such as Winamp, WMP etc.
Maybe some people don't get where to click with the text 'Click on the Listen Live link above on any page to launch our player.'

-Adding a contact form to 'Contact us' page.
That will quickly send a message to Fist, or lvpradio@live.com, for example, without connecting somewhere.

Let the ideas flow here!
yes, yes, and ofcourse yes... I agree with this 100% I would also like to see a way to get requests to work from the website into our IRC, or maybe even to the DJ's SAM (if they use SAM) or a helper application (if they don't use SAM)  if possible.
yes yes yes yes :).
i can help with the request stuff. i'll give you a sample tonight or if it takes longer tomorrow.

i used to have my own website, where ppl could go to and browse my live tracks list.. could request it and you can even give a timer to it in sambc to not request the same song/artist or such within xx minutes..

great stuff ;D i'll get going.
(04-19-2009, 06:37 PM)Mark link Wrote: Let's make this an official suggestions topic of improving http://www.lvpradio.com.
What would you like to see being added? / What would you like to see being changed? / What would you like to see being removed? / *

Here are few suggestions by myself to start the topic:

-Adding now playing song to our website's header.
On top of our menu or somewhere else, we could add a now playing song. For example:
Now playing: Artist - Title | Previous: Artist - Title

Hmm... Hard to do. If someone else could script it, as HTML then yeah sure :)

-Adding current stream title somewhere nearby the now playing line.
This will give visitors a quick information what show is currently on without going to SHOUTcast page or browsing the schedule.

Same as above.

-Adding PJIRC or Mibbit or whatever applet to IRC page.
That will quickly connect the visitors to #LVP.radio without getting a client or using LVP Java Chat. I'd recommend PJIRC, that's the applet LVP Java Client uses.

Sure. Will do very soon.

-Adding a flash player to Listen Live page and also giving details how to connect with other music players such as Winamp, WMP etc.
Maybe some people don't get where to click with the text 'Click on the Listen Live link above on any page to launch our player.'

Hmmm.... I'd recheck that one if I were you! We already have one :P http://www.lvpradio.com/playerflash.html

-Adding a contact form to 'Contact us' page.
That will quickly send a message to Fist, or lvpradio@live.com, for example, without connecting somewhere.

Sure. Can do that easily and I will do.

Let the ideas flow here!