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Bots on IRC
Yesturday, there came about an issue with people abusing rights and other people getting out of hand and trying to abuse bot functions. So for the time being, SmackBot is not going to be #LVP.Radio until a set of rules regarding acceptable use of the IRC channel and the bots is drafted. Please reply with ideas of what the rules (or guidelines) should include, so we can restore the nice features, or integrate features into LVPRadioBot.
I believe that the advertising feature should be integrated into the LVP Radio bot. I can't think of any other feature that SmackBot had. What else did he do, Cyrix? :P
other than spam, and some chaotic shizzle? not much, outside of helping game crew... I'll give Xanland and Wesley the mIRC code, for the radio functions.
Congratz on being admin Cyrix ;). Anyway, could you give examples of how they abused?
Well, I have logs if you need to see exactly what happened...

BTW: I did bring SmackBot back to the radio IRC chan, but I will be keeping an eye on it's use.