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[Unbanned][MM]MuscleGeek (Another time!)
Nickname: [MM]MuscleGeek
Date of the ban: 15 April 2006
Suspected Reason: Dunno
Your IP address: 3G
Extra notes: It's the third time they ban me, i have been unbanned like 3 hours ago
Under what name? and what IP?
Under the same name, i only have this account.
Just so u can grasp how sure i am that ur lying, let me tell u what i know. This IP that ur on now has been banned for 2.5 days. 54 secs before that guy that got banned on ur current IP entered LVP, you post this appeal. Im pretty sure you posted this appeal knowing that you would end up banned. I don't care what you say, this makes no sense at all. Maybe it is the biggest coincidence i have seen in my 17 yrs of living, but i really don't think im ever gonna beleive that.
1. I entered to SA:MP before i posted this topic :S i didn't posted after, i didn't knew i was going to be banned :S
2. This account was banned two days ago, then yesterday they unbanned me, and like 5 hours ago i got banned (it was for an error i think) and then u got unbanned
How did you find out that you were banned?
Sorry, i mean after, lol, and i added something to the message
I know, but answer my question:

"How did you find out that you were banned? "
I just entered to samp, then it sayed: You have been banned
You just have to understand that its very, very hard to believe you, but i have no choice to. You are unbanned.