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Race checkpoint bug
* What were you doing?
I was racing

* Where there other players which encountered the same problem?
Dunno really if someone else has experienced this

* Could you reproduce the bug?
Well yes, when I am racing and I pass the last (goal) checkpoint while looking backwards/sideways I'll always crash

* Was it only once, or did it happen all the time?
In my case, all the time

* Did you try to reconnect first?
Not first, but after the crash  _O-

Well I hope there's a solution for this, although I think it's not a server bug, but a SA-MP bug, anyways if it can't solved at least it could be like a warning so that players don't cross the goal checkpoint while looking backwards/sideways  :)
Never tried going backwards into a checkpoint :+, I'll try this and tell you wheter it's a SA:MP bug or not.
Ok, thanks, but I meant crossing it while using the view buttons, not going backwards with the car :P
You mean pressing E or Q?
Never experienced this since I am not a racer, but I am 100% he does mean by pressing E or Q.
Oh yes, sorry for the late reply, anyways, that's what I meant, and I'm not sure if it happens when pressing one of them, but when pressing both at the same time, which equals to be looking backwards, I crash...
had it once (tried it only one time so..) didnt compcrash but almost...it jiggered or how can i say that when i used middlemousebutton and crossed finish in sabre. btw: maybe for new topic but: i find myself starting sabre alone often. thats no fun....
Sounds like a SA-MP bug indeed.
You know what is also funny: in the sabrerace you passby a yellow cone from sa-taxi, when you park youre sabre very near it you press f to get out onto the cone and youll have a big skydive instead of just /leave the race... _O-
Okay I tested it, indeed I crashed. SA:MP bug, nothing we can do something about.