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[Suggestion] Capture the Gang Base
Hey, i have an idea of a new LVP Feature.
Its quite easy. If a member of any gang in LVP stays at the gang base for 5 Minutes, his gang has "captured" the base. Then a message in the chat says:
"The Gang Base has been captured by the Gang xxx",
and the Gang Base Area becomes the color of this gang on the minimap.

I think this would make the GB a more interesting second fighting area, and not everyone will try to kill people at the ship.

So what do you think about it?
We are working on something similar to this already, although it's not located at the gang base itself, and it's called Defend the Base.
It will be mini game based, probably 2 versions: 1 public version, and 1 gang only version.

When it's done, I can imagine that it can be extended to the gang base.