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thinkss hiss goodd telling some one to removee my rights when he muted me for nufinn
thats y i unmuted my selffff
soo take hiss rightss ohh his
going down dw howw ull seee
As a first, he muted you with reason.
As a second, you shouldn't just unmute yourself. Rather ask a crewmember about it.
As a third, you muted him without reason(unless you consider being muted by him a good reason).
And as a last, type a bit better or I'll ignore the next post.
Lek wtf
Ok ill Write Normal (haha)
Can i just Please have my VIP rights Back
Nope, we are very clear on that.
Abuse it, and loose your VIP Mod rights.
all use doo is pick on DFLL
but use cant see the other side of the other peoplee
its just DFL
Sure we do, we all hate DFL!!!!!

Seriously, stop yelling that we're against you if YOU do something wrong.

Rights gone, to never be returned again.
Case closed.