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No cars...
There are no cars...

* What where you doing? Playing normally
* Where there other players which encountered the same problem? Yes, all
* Could you reproduce the bug? Yes
* Was it only once, or did it happen all the time? All the time
* Did you try to reconnect first? Yes
Yeah sometimes the car respawning system doesnt work properly

Oh and maybe if you scripters got some spare time you should add some more cars to the spawns in north and south Venturas, its kinda ghey if you spawn, and have to walk like a minute to get just a damn strech limo :D
Just came back from in-game and it seems that the issue has been fixed already :)
yeah had the same problem yesterday .
No cars at all in San Fiero , Fixer tp'ed to me and saw there were no planes at SF airport aswell.
the server restarted , still the same problem.
I thought that there were very few cars, didn't notice it was actually a bug of some kind.

BTW Terror, your sig owns, I remember him saying that.
Weird thing is that the VIP RC's still spawn even if the other vehicles don't  :?
After a restart, it seemed to be fixed. However, that's just temporarily. There must be a reason for it.

So, hopefully the devs find it before it happens again.