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Major Updates
Progress on the houses has one again been slow.

However, A new Reactiontest has been added to the server! Winner gets $10000 and a Free armour restore! I will take a look at the houses soon... I promise! :D

Also, a new Stunt Zone has been added to the ct training server! Most of you will have already seen it! It pwns! Its high up in San Fierro! Keep an eye out for it :D
Progress on houses are going well.

I have alomost finished the test house, Just need to add the Pickups, The cars and Fix a few bugs with spawning.

A BIG new update has came, I have been working on it for a while now, And It pwns lol!
Its bombs! Bombs, Bombs and more bombs.

It gives you the opotunity to bombsĀ  your cars, Timers, detonators, etc.
Also put bombs on the walls and stuff, Bascially the same as satchel charges only better!