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NiP Server under production!
(04-18-2009, 08:01 AM)LucaSsCoTT link Wrote: ok , soo we need cars  /
and something like arena  / others fc  >> /fc 1 , /fc 2
we need to /tp , /ctp

If Some1 Wanna Say Good ideas Say it  :+
Philip! =D Yeah i would like to come with some suggestions.

1.Make me and Midget the highest lvl of admins, and the rest of the people to lvl 5-7.
2. Make a gang war fight, that the point will be with if i kill for eks. Mafo killed bomberteo, NiP got 1more point, and the persons that die spam at the war please.
And when we reaches the eks "50 point" the war stop, and says " Good fight, the "gang" has won the war.
3. Make more cars that is spawned is the strip, or you can make a menu for all the persons that join the server that they can use it, not like they have to be "lvl" to use it. (free for all).
3. Make some funny things in the strip/fc1,2,3/ idk what xD
4. You have the possibilety to make me and Midget to a perm ADMIN, that if the server  crashes i don't have to register again (and the others NiP that is register) "If you can do that."

Notis: If i come up with more, i just edit this topic. And the NiP server i think all the NiP's shall be a that lvl i wrote longer up, because they all need to have fun. And it will be MUCH more fun for the ALL nip!:)

hmm, i don't have more in my head to write. (Im tierd, i will write more if i come up with more. 
Noted, but I don't have much time now days..
I'm starting to script C++
a Clanwar Area would be nice with a clanwar countdown that freezes the members in that area only.

and a drift zone would be cool

(04-18-2009, 04:34 PM)Philip link Wrote: Noted, but I don't have much time now days..
I'm starting to script C++
Yes, take you're time. We are glad that you are scriptid anyway! =)
(04-18-2009, 05:19 PM)weeyin link Wrote: a Clanwar Area would be nice with a clanwar countdown that freezes the members in that area only.

and a drift zone would be cool
Yeah, that was a good idea. Take you're time Philip, and do it good!:)