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Gang TDM.- Suggestion|Idea
Thanks ill add the RW into my idea now.
Sorry for posting this here just i'm using Tr1pin.
Hello this is my suggestion:

We could have a TDM(Team DeathMatch), but not like the first sign up goes to the blue team and the second goes to the red. I mean like say if there's gang's online. NBK, UvH, HC4L, sLK.

Around 3-4 member's each team that are online, you could make a command /tdm or something.
But as i said with the one guy goes to red & next goes to blue, you could have all those clans in an ingame gang, and one of the members does /tdm( or anything else). And it creates a team deathmatch, and other clans could signup. So you could have a TDM held at a ship or something, WW preferably. With about 3 on each team. Like CW settings, first team to 50-100 kills wins.
But it can only be available if there are more than 3people in the gang you've signed up. So clans like B&A and sLK could sign up and have some TDM's ingame without some noobs butting in & nading or drivebying ect..

You could have this as the weapon setup: Walking Weapons
Combat/spaz shotgun
You could have this as the weapon setup: Running Weapons
Sawnoff Shotgun
Uzi/tec9 - i know that there is alot of complaints about having tec9's instead of uzis. I along with alot of people prefer uzi. But a selection could be made for both.

And you could make a command /tdmhs.(Team DeathMatch HighScores). Meaning you could have the team name that signed up, and you could time the TDM so when you type /tdmhs it could come up with: *Team Deathmatch Highscores: sLK(or whatever the gang name was that signed up)- 2:30. First to 100. Members: [sLK]HaZe, Violax, David_GER, Gilli.
And you could have the highscores saved so whenever you see that, sLK would have the highscore & be the raining TDM Champions

TDMRW(team deathmatch running weapons) - Idea's will be added soon. Please comment on good areas
TDMWW(teamm deathmatch running weapons) - Were ship deathmatch is held.

If you have any question/suggestion don't hesitate to tell[/s]
Seems like a nice idea, moving.
I like this idea aswell why not?
You could also make it more for DFL, since they've got like 5-6-7 online. Usually when im on. :+
Love the idea
nice idea
Woot, awesome idea.

But not only for walking weapons, have one for running weapons as well.

So that way randoms aren't ruining gang wars etc. And there would be a proper visual to see who is winning.

My fave idea so far. O+
Thanks ill add the RW into my idea now.
Devs do this now k. :P
I remember when I joined MTA DM Beta Team, we did Team DeathMatches and had really nice maps. Maybe you could get some of those maps (or similar to those maps) for the TDM's? There's this one particular map (can't remember it that well) where there's two sides, like a giant pirate ship (without the giant flag in the middle) and a small path in the centre and two sides would battle it out.

Oh, wait, that wasn't TDM, that was Capture the Flag, but would be good for TDM too.