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admin app
hi admins globolmoderators you know there's hardly admins and lots and lots of people who like to hack and cheat and i would like to be an admin im on 8 hours a day and i would really like to help kick cheaters and hackers
You're invited to join the crew if the management are interested in promoting someone.
Do not ask to become admin/moderator, staff invites them

Note: By asking, your chances instantly drop.
(03-28-2009, 12:34 AM)hunterhot7 link Wrote: and i would really like to help kick cheaters and hackers
that just lost his application _O-

I suggest Jordi as part of the lvp crew, anyone else?
(03-28-2009, 12:34 AM)hunterhot7 link Wrote: im on 8 hours a day

You, sir, need to get a life.
Jordi for mod
(03-28-2009, 12:40 PM)Dan_ link Wrote: You, sir, need to get a life.
If you weren't banned you'd be on 24/7 hours a day.
You have your answer. We invite people, we don't do applications.