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Login bug, k
Login bug I've been experiencing lately. I logged in but didn't spawn. I could type in main-chat but it wouldn't appear. (Only appeared on IRC echo channel) I would then quit the game and it'd say on IRC that I timed out.

What where you doing?
Joining the game, logged in and didn't spawn.

Where there other players which encountered the same problem?
No idea, ask them.

Could you reproduce the bug?
Yeah, a number of times in fact.

Was it only once, or did it happen all the time?
It happens from time to time. I'd say, once a week.

Did you try to reconnect first?
I tried to relog three times.


[Image: failrgu.png]

- Phyc0
Must be your internet connection.
I don't understand how it could be my Internet connection. :?
I can connect to the server fine, login okay, but I don't spawn. -O-
(03-25-2009, 01:05 AM)Jag link Wrote: Must be your internet connection.

sometimes when i connect to the server i don't spawn either.
never happened to me..
this had happens to me much when i started playing but never since then.
(03-24-2009, 11:03 PM)Phyc0 link Wrote: Where there other players which encountered the same problem?
No idea, ask them.
yes there are

(03-24-2009, 11:03 PM)Phyc0 link Wrote: Could you reproduce the bug?
Yeah, a number of times in fact.
i think that means that you can on purpuse make it to be like that. Not that it happens again :P
Never happend to me.
Nice to see it happens to more people! Can the devs fix this bug? :z
Maybe, i'm not sure about this, you are login in to early, I didn't encounter this bug yet. :P