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Damn Ping!
I live in America in South Florida and the server is located in The Netherlands, but this is the only server with a nice going system of money and banks and stuff like that. I hate how there's no American located server that's just like this one, my ping is always like 175-300.  :'(
Well, if you go for the RPG part, buying properties, making money, it isn't a problem to have a higher ping.
But we have also a few crew members, and players, from the USA, Australia.. well, just international, and their ping is sometimes even a little bit higher (400+), but not really a problem.
So I suggest to play/try even with the higher ping, it shouldn't be a problem most of the time.

(And currently we have sometimes a high server load which causes more lag.)
Just dont fight ..

(nakebod almost got 1100 messages)
<useless message>
Uhuh, and this is 1101 :+
</useless message>

But fighting can be done with a ping of 200. It's a little bit harder :)
Yeah but what if he wants to fight?
he never said he did
omfg if u Like karizma i want u on my team rofl  :X
It sucks fighting peopel with high ping, they don't lag but they jsut never get hurt. Im not saying u cant fight cos thats sjut harsh u have every right to be. Its just annoying when people with high ping claim a massive victory over u when they beat you, but you couldnt hurt them.
oh well, theres nothing thsat can be done about high pings
I really am a DMer but I like this server because I can make money too so it's inbetween RPG and DM. Also, how can I Roleplay if everywhere I go, some guy pulls out Dual Tec-9's or Sawn offs and fires at me and when I ask in the chat to stop they go STFUZ NUB I PWN U

Edit: Btw Chaoswolf, I have fought Karizma a couple of times or if that's you yeah. I've beaten him before in front of the ship a couple times.