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Website and Schedule
One of my problems is atm the website and the schedule. Without Fist it would get realy hard to acces the website and the schedule, therefor we would need a webdesigner etc.

I've also heard that Badeend made a dynamic schedule, wich sounds awesome. But if we want to host it at lvpradio.com, we would need FTP passwords, FTP ip etc. And we would need some guy to upload, and make it work. Btw who hosts the website?

Sorry for not knowing that much, just hard to go from DJ position to LVP Radio leader, without any further infomation.  :+
Badeend made a mockup of a dynamic schedule, and Griffin was working on making the backend, but as of yet, the progress is still unknown...
Other than Fist himself, the only other people I know with the FTP info are Peter and possibly Corleone.