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/robbery weps
  o What where you doing?
Playing the Robbery minigame as defend
  o Where there other players which encountered the same problem?
no idea
  o Could you reproduce the bug?
don't think so
  o Was it only once, or did it happen all the time?
just happened to me, havn't happened before, but i've played robbery some times, and never happened before.
  o Did you try to reconnect first?
no, and i don't see why or how that'd make any differance

i joined the /robbery minigame, and came in the defend team, and i noticed that first had the usual weps, then i cycled through all the guns, and when i came to the fists, and kept going i saw i had "Deagle, Sawns, Tecs, M4, Sniper, And Parachute" these were also my spawnweps. But i didn't think of it then, and played the whole minigame, till we won. Then i spawned back in the usual world, and my guns were all gone, not even a dealge, just fists.
Same happend to me.
Took me a while to figure out, but I reproduced & fixed it.
Quote:Took me a while to figure out, but I reproduced & fixed it.
oh, how nice ^^ :+ then u can lock this topic :+