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Spawn Weps @ Ammu
Give a clear description of the bug.
I was trying to buy spawn weps for first time @ new LVP and when I was in the spawnweps pickup it showed me a message, like if I were on the pirate ship... "The Pirate Ship On Las Venturas bla bla bla bla". Same with props, them all are bugged.  :Y)

What where you doing?
Trying to buy weapons
Where there other players which encountered the same problem?
Idk i'm not superman
Could you reproduce the bug?
I don't know but I have a picture
Was it only once, or did it happen all the time?
Nope, it happens all time
Did you try to reconnect first?
[Image: o8dsb9.png]
yep, bugged

and LOL @ your pic, anybody any idea who [UvH]xTePeLx is?  :7 :7 :7
/buyweapon solves it.
I edited my post because i reconnected and it still happening, all props are bugged  :'(
Yep, there are two big bugs at the moment, pick-ups and the account one, they're solving it though (that's what I read though)