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[UNBANNED] Please unban me...
Nickname: Fijian_Boy
Date of the Ban: 18 February 2009,around 1 AM GMT
Suspected Reason: Illegal Killing
Your IP address:
Extra notes: I was new to this server and didn't realize that illegal killing would ban me. Although it was clearly stated on the rule, I was really eager to play online and I didn't spend time to read the rules. Please do give me another chance, now that I have clearly understand the rules for this server. I promise not to break them again.
Explain to me how you make money, and how much you've made on LVP.
I started making money by exporting vehicles, answering some calculation questions on chat. And there was this user (can't remember the name) was giving out questions which I answered correctly and he asked for my ID then he transferred money to me. Now from the money that I've collected, I start to drive around and buy properties which gives me good return. All I was doing was driving around and depositing my returns (from properties bought) to the bank (24/7 shops). I'm not too sure about my bank balance but I think it was somewhere around $20million (confused with the number of zeros). During this drive around, I happen to hit some people crossing the road (not intentional) and after a while I was banned from the server. I wasn't really sure as to what reason was I banned for. I'm playing online from Fiji (a small country in the South Pacific) and a huge fan of GTA and especially this server, please unban me.

You were not banned for illegal killing.

You are unbanned.