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[Unbanned] Imz banned.
I just killed a guy then i typed /pauze, and as i come up there, i die? AND GET A BAN. Wtf?? Reason: Bugabuse.. ? Okey......
game nick: FirmwHp

An Admin just told me it was cuz i reconnected before, and my prop time resets. ´sorry for that, msn was bugging up, and my pc drivers r fucked once again, fucking Realtek HD shit.

I know im banned now, but i just wonder 1 thing, yesterday my bank got completely 0:ed i had 240m, and this morning i asked Stein i think it was, i got 150m back, and all day long ive tried getting it back up again... Pretty annoying really.
Oh, sry missed that,

Nickname: FirmwHp
Date of the ban: 12 Januari 2009, around 15:00 PM GMT +1 (Sweden)
Suspected Reason: Bugabuse
Your IP address:

Soz for this shiz
I got reports of you using the property-bug. I went ingame but didn't see anything special. Right after I left though, you admitted using this bug in mainchat:
Quote:[11-01-2009 15:03:04] [4] FirmwHp: im crashing game to reset prop time :p

What's your answer to that?
U probably wont believe me but since ur asking, ive always been telling my friends how my pc pwn, which it obviously dont. It does pwn if it wouldnt crash so much, i think my graphic card and processor just wont work together, and also this Realtek HD crap is bugging me off, sometimes it just crashes a game and says that i have plugged in a mic, i dont even have a mic?

Lawl what an sucky answere, im on the downside. But what the hell, i have to be honest..
Isn't it a coincidence that we get reports of you using that bug, and like 5 minutes later you say you are, as a joke?

Ban will be 3 days, come back here on tuesday.
It wasnt ment to be a bugabuse, my pc was crashing, i only said so to be cool lol.

Btw do you know anything about this bank bug? I remember it has happened before like a month ago, i was new, only had 200k but it said in the mainchat that someone stole my bank cash, like a punish?
It's Sunday here, 15:53 to be exact. So you'll be banned the rest of today, Monday, and Tuesday. See you Tuesday evening.
Okay, still this bank thing, gets on my nervs, what if it happens when i have like 400m? How fun would that be :/
People cannot steal money from your bank. ;)