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Contest: Trivia
Good evening,

Another contest! This time, you can win money, good money. And even better, in-game money! We want to launch a trivia game very soon, but in order to do so, we need good trivia questions of proper quality. Therefore we need your help.

We're searching for difficult, complicated and in-depth questions around the Grand Theft Auto games, ranging from GTA 3 till IV. These have to be questions you thought of yourself, and not some random list you pulled off the internet. Each question will be reviewed and points will be handed out based on the quality of the question. A good question earns you one point, a "normal" question 0.5 points and other, bad questions will be disregarded.

So, what can you do with these points? You can trade them for in-game (or out-game!) goodies on Las Venturas Playground. For example, in order to get an extra pluspoint you'll need 10 points, which equals 10 good questions. You're also able to gather VIP rights together, however, that'll require some extra effort to think of- and write down the questions.

What kind of questions do you want?
Quite simple, trivia questions about GTA. What is the fastest car in San Andreas (Infernus, 1 point), what is the name of the main character in IV (Niko, 0.5 points), etcetera. Each question must be written in proper English, and the answer should be stated at the end of the line.

What exactly can we get with these points?
1 point - 50.000 dollar
3 points - 250.000 dollar
5 points - 500.000 dollar
8 points - 1.000.000 dollar
10 points - 1 additional pluspoint (maximum of 40!)
15 points - 2 additional pluspoints (maximum of 40!)
40 points - 3 additional pluspoints, and 100 extra kills on your stats (ratio!)
?? points - V.I.P. rights

Mind that all questions will be checked for their source; if we find out that you're copying questions from other sites / people, you might not get the rewards associated with the points. You will be informed about this however, so you'll have a chance to correct your mistake. The one collecting the most points, if it are more than 50 points, will be given V.I.P. rights to Las Venturas Playground. If you already have VIP rights, an alternative reward will be chosen together with you.

E-mail your questions to contest@sa-mp.nl. Be sure to keep your questions private, and don't share them with anyone else, seeing that'll spoil the fun later on.