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2009 LVP Senate (Cyrix404 new LVP President)
First Name : Arthur
Ingame Name : n00ne
Age : 17
District you like to run for (make sure its not taken.)  : LS Financial or Mount. Chilliad
Date : December 20 , 2008
Comments : Sex , Drugs and Rock'n'Roll
Party (Red, Blue, Orange) : Blue
Will you run for President in one of your terms? : Yes
Terms (1 or 2?) : 2
[Image: 22332893-177x150-0-0.jpg]

Sorry ;(

I dont think I'm going to take part in this... I dont know why... if I can think of a good reason I'll notify you.
Alright! I'd like to congratulate Terror and Peter for becoming Senators of LVP! (Thanks for the compliment on the idea Peter.  :) )

edit, Sorry n00ne, didnt see your app. Congrad man, I'll give you LS Financial, more Electorial Votes so you have more power on election day  :P.

Terror...if you could please choose a proper color for party.
First Name : David
Ingame Name : dab
Age : 18
District you like to run for (make sure its not taken.)  :  Mount Chilliad
Date : Dec ,19
Comments : hi
Party (Red, Blue, Orange) : red
Will you run for President in one of your terms? : propably not
Terms you would run for (1 or 2) : 2
Hello. ill control this with some honesty some good ideas ill do the best to get you very very happy and you will nto regret this vote for me and ill do the best (ill try to)
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to announce my candidacy for President of LVP.
I am Senator-Elect (Not inaugurated until December 20) Michael Corleone from Rocksands West.

I am from the orange party, and in this little announcement for my candicay, i wont yet announce my strategy for my campaign. Cheers everyone.
corleone it is LIke not L1ke
Ok. Changed.

Thanks Badeend for moving this over here.
First Name: Mike
Ingame Name: Mike
Age: 17
District you like to run for (make sure its not taken.): Rockshore West
Date: December 20th
Comments: I know what's right for you.
Party (Red, Blue, Orange): Blue
Will you run for President in one of your terms?: No.
Terms you would run for (1 or 2): Two
First Name : Erin
Ingame Name : Erin
Age : 16
District you like to run for (make sure its not taken.)  : Gangstate
Date : 12/19
Comments :
Party (Red, Blue, Orange) : Orange
Will you run for President in one of your terms? : No
Terms you would run for (1 or 2) : 2