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Daily Cruise
I tought that there should be daily cruises (or more) in LVP.
The server could give some information to players online then and who wants could come to LV Airport and then they decide who leads and stuff..
I like cruising, but somewhy I'm not a bigger organizer of this kinda thing. And I also like to follow other people, not lead :D
Cruises are almost always organized by players, and often there is a mod/admin participating.
But this is not a requirement for a cruise. Everyone can organize it.
Since the crew can't organize everything, neither join every event, things like cruises are not on a daily base.
Back in the old days we had a daily cruise by our Maser Cruiser :+ but since he is gone, we still have cruises, but not as many.

So, you can always ask if people want to organize a cruise if you don't want to do it yourself. Most likely there are other people who like to join, including crew members.
Most of the time, we get called away by reports when cruising. Which is a reason for me not to join in on most of them, when they are actually started. It's pretty annoying whilst cruising, being called away all the time.

But as Nakebod said, you can always start one yourself and ask a crewmember to join to keep it tidy.