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I am asking for Permission!
I want to make a video tribute to LVP and i am asking for permission to use camera hack, It dosent harm or affect any player in anyway and it would make my movie a whole lot better. Please i would like an Admin to give me permission to use this. And it would be even better if Peter himself gives me permission. I need an answer quickly as possible. Thank you.  :w
Camhack is disallowed by the SA-MP rules. We don't have the authority, I guess.

Nope, sorry.


P.S. Maybe we could get Ronald's camera script on LVP to use, instead of CamHack.
Aaah... I knew there was something wrong with your "cheating" on the server a while ago. :+
I'm sure one of the admin members had a downloaded camera angle or something a long while ago just so he could make a video.
I may stand corrected.
Maybe a long time ago, but I think it's safe to say that we don't see that anymore.

as a sin leader, im saying no. its strictly against all sin rules to use any hack.
On that note, locked. :)

You could offcourse use it on your own server to take some specific shots. Then edit everything together to add some flavour to your movie, just make damn sure you don't use the cam hack on lvp, we will notice cause of the radar...