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The megacool-uberfuckingdope tering vette clownmovie


The day has come for us to show to the world that the Bassie and Adriaan Hooligans are here to leave a mark upon the world.

Today is the day that comes when yesterday has passed! Whoaho!

In the coming weeks we are going to make the absolute dopest GTA movie ever, and I mean EVER! created!

I don't think we need a real story, maybe just some weird story to guide our absolutly clownage moments together, but the main focus is just really really cool movies. The thugz have at least one movie in which they try to jump over an airplane with several nrg500's, well we'll do it better, with burning monstertrucks or whatever! That's the kind of mentality we're looking for.

So if you have ideas for tricks or anything, just post them here, and we'll see what we're gonna do with it. I already thought of the opening scene. We'll start slow, with a white wall with a few trees behind it. Bassie and Adriaan music plays, behind te wall is a limo with clowns on top so you will see the wall first, with titles on it. Then clownheads come "floating over the wall, slowly pasing by" Limo stops, clowns climb over the wall, and the movie starts.

Ronald said we could use his server.

soooo I'm curious about what you guys are gonna come up with.
Humn, i have a mini movie i was going to set up ;) But, i'll have to adapt it to clowns ^.^
Good idea panhaas  :)
i love ur signature paanhaas  O+ O+ O+ O+
almost 100.000 kills :D
Count me in !
Comeback of B&A :D
gimme a date and i will do my best to help at our movie!

idea: for some month we try to stand on a flying airplane...
we could try several stunts with this two planes... like jumping from one to the other.. or what ever...
but it need much training ^^

just an idea...

I've tried that aswell, jumping from plane to plane :D It's really hard, but with a couple of beagles this could be well possible. We also need 1 or more to film it.

I've installed FRAPS on my laptop and I was suprised at how well it worked without driving my FPS to unplayable. :D So I think most people can use it.
Well when I'm recording with fraps , I have like 40 fps and that kills my eyes  8)7