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Nieuwe Anti-Cheat gemaakt
- Detecteert Moneycheat
- Detecteert Healthcheat
- Detecteert Speedhack
- Detecteert Airbreak-Cheat
- Detecteert Teleporting
- Detecteert Flying-Car's
- Detecteert Freeze-Disablers
- When you lock a racevehcle, it will respawn en the player will not get jailed (most poeple dont know this). The player also get a message this is not allowed.
- The command /help is now avaible in jail.
- When you are in restriced zones you wil get spawned at the same place as /fixplayer.
- When you try to gamble without a permit yo get spawned at the same place as /fixplayer with a message how to buy a permit.
- Translated both the "Not gamble without permit" and "restricted zone" message to English.
- Fixed the pauze function. The camera posistion is correct after /continue (/doorgaan).
- Added a /deletegang command. Admin-only. It completely removes a gang.
- You recieve your spawnweapons again after using /watch and /stopwatch.
- When somebody get shipkilled, they killed player spawns on the ship again.
- When an admin kills a player on the ship, the admin will lose his money instead of the killed player.
- I slightly changed the Admin() - function.
  There is a new optional paramater. Standard its 0 and it will show the message ingame and on IRC. If you have an IRC only    message use it like this:
  Admin(string, 1); // The 1 makes sure it is only shown on IRC.
- The minigames are fixed, the minigames where broke because some properties where removed/renamed. The minigame-property' s now are removed.
- The Frisia is now fixed.
- The cop-class will now spawn random to, this should lower the spawnkilling a lot.
- The "your godemode expired"-message will not apear again. (for normal players)

Added/changed in 2.49D
- added /acmute and /acunmute. If you use acmute the user will no longer be able to use the adminchat (Idea of RonaldLokers)
- Made some changes to the gang-prop, poeple only lose money when they buy it.
- Poeple have to wait for there spawnweapons untill they are out the minigame.

Added/changed in 2.49F?
- admin/mod colors can no longer be used for gangcolors.
- The command /mods is finnaly added

Added/changed in 2.49 (I dont know what subversion :+)
- Fixed some minor bugs with the pause function
- Fixed a minor problem with /carteleport
- added a new command /acmuted (Nakebod' s request)
- First version of LVP Fight club (/fight)

- /mteleport to other players in an interior.
- fetching players from/to an interior.
- you can use /gotoloc in an interior without being grey.
- /carteleport & /teleport to players in an interior wont work.
/(un)cage command added.
Set World boundaries so a player can't run to far away while you test him on cheats. Their movements are restricted to a 60*60 area.

Use with care, players can get stuck in buildings due to bouncing of the boundaries. Uncaging and fetching may be neccesery. Flying like behaviour may be observed, be aware that this is due to the boucing, it is not a cheat used by the victim.

edit: typo ;)
Messagelevel is being saved now.
So is zhe saveloc location
(02-04-2007, 05:20 PM)Badeend link Wrote:Messagelevel is being saved now.
So is zhe saveloc location


Ik stel voor Badeend te promoveren naar "Woerd des Roedel Bi-sexuele Badeenden(F)"
message at /newtaxi, and some fixes there
added /watchid, to see who you are watching
you now recieve some weapons @ /stopwatch (26+28)
some general fixes, including that you cant mute AND adminchatmute someone
Definitieve changelog voor 2.50:

- Fixed some minor bugs with the pause function
- Fixed a minor problem with /carteleport
- added a new command /acmuted
- First version of LVP Fight club (/fight) -- will be included in next update!
- Fix For Bike SetVehiclePos Bug
- Commands disabled for players who're caged/paused!
- Nieuwe Minigame: Knockout ( /knockout)!
- Messagelevel is being saved now.
- So is the saveloc location
- Message at /newtaxi, and some fixes there
- Added /watchid, to see who you are watching
- You now recieve some weapons @ /stopwatch (26+28)
- Some general fixes, including that you cant mute AND adminchatmute someone
- Some optimalizations
- Some little changes to the adminmessages:
  "Announce: [MESSAGE] , By: [NICK]"          Showmessage: [MESSAGE] , By: [NICK]"
- Added /gangmsg [GangID] [Message] to send a message to a gang.
- "cheater","hacker","cheats","cheat","hack","godmode","healthcheat" > Don't report cheaters in the mainchat !"
- "kanker", "kenker", "tering", "tyfus", "son of a bitch", "hooker", "motherfucker", "cocksucker", "asshole" > Don't use invective language!
- New information icon added at the ship, this icon contains the rules of the ship.
- Commands temporarely disabled for handofgodded players.
- Not only admins gain automatically uzi and sawnoff as spawnweapon Moderators too !
- Added "Mod message:".
- You can now watch people who're in an interior.
- Race 4 and Race 5 are completely rebuild, new typ, new cars and ofcourse a new route.
- You're allowed to fall of your quad in race4.
- There are some new vehicles in the game, like Tahoma's, Buritto's, Patriot's, Beagle's and some Quad's,
on the other hand some are removed, like the Virgo's, Sanchez', Boat's, Pony's and the karts.
- All spawnpoints have been checked, they all have cars in the area.
- Teleporting to people who are watching is disabled.
- New Possible Jailbreaker adminmessage.
- Commands disabled for people who are in /challenge.
- Fixed minor crash, if a not-registered player leaves jail and jailed.txt does not exist.
- Added a gametext for a new chase.
- The SuperGT's are replaced by Blista Compact's
- If you use /gotocar, the car will always appear.
- If you're in a minigame, /ban and /kick are allowed now.
- New admin command, /mcarteleport || /mctp !
- Fixed some minor bugs with the carteleport function.
- Added: /carfetch (for admins)
- Added: You now see the reason you are banned for when you are banned

Edit this post for your additions / changes